
Revolution, expropriation, looting, massacres... To the apartment of the old Jew tumble the revolutionary sailors:
— Gold, the jewels are there?
—You need to, you're looking for...
The men rattle the walls, the floor. Find the void under the floor in the center of the room:
— What have you got there?
— You need to, you see...
Remove parquet flooring — there is a large iron sheet, which sticks out from the nut screwed on the bolt. Sailor quickly Unscrew the ring nut, the bolt drops down. Look in the hole:
— Hey, grandpa, what have you got there some people are running?
Yeah, I'm right over the live theatre, and bolt the chandelier was attached...

АнекдотРеволюція, експропріації, грабежі, погроми... В квартиру старого єврея ввалюю...